your account
of water
tell us how
you may
save money

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We have the net calculation
and right, more than
que justo para você

Understand how to recover what you overpay

Responsible for about 30% of the investment in basic sanitation in Brazil, SABESP is responsible for supplying 28.6 millions of people. By reaching a big number of consumers, problems related to the amounts charged are periodically common.
For invoice calculation, the company uses several factors. Among them, the amount of savings that make up the condominium, which represents the number of units consumers in a condominium. So if there is less on the water bill savings accounted for than there are units on site, most likely you are paying more than you should.
O cálculo do valor efetivamente devido deve ser feito caso a caso, e na maioria das vezes tende a reduzir drasticamente o valor da conta d’água. Conseguimos recuperar os valores pagos indevidamente nos últimos 10 anos, que são devolvidos, corrigidos e atualizados.
If we consider the 20% reduction in a condo that pays approx. BRL 17,000.00 per month of water bill we will have the following scenario.
IMPORTANT: only applicable for
entire condos, not for units
isolated condominiums.

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Process timeline

  • 1

    Sinalização de interesse e envio das contas de água para análise (documento de confidencialidade) T0

  • 2

    Análise de viabilidade e retorno de informações T+7d

  • 3

    Assinatura de contrato e procuração T+7d

  • 4

    Propositura da ação T+7d

  • 5

    Trânsito em julgado T+365 a 730d em média

  • 6

    Recebimento do valor T+60d